
Through culturally relevant information and resources to live healthier lifestyles.


Through campaigns that empower and encourage individuals to take action for the betterment of our communities.


Through providing support and a platform to have our voices heard.


Founded in 2013, Latino Outreach &
Understanding Division leverages culturally relevant
marketing to drive behavioral change and uplift
Latinx/e/o communities internationally. Powered by
AIDS Healthcare Foundation, we take direct action to
fight HIV/AIDS while supporting critical Latinx/e/o

Educate and Empower

SOMOSLOUD provides culturally relevant education to Latinx/e/o communities, focused on specific needs. We deliver knowledge vibrantly while uplifting marginalized voices and breaking stigmas. Our true goal is empowerment – helping our communities recognize their worth and potential to inspire change from within

Advocate with Impact

SOMOSLOUD performs advocacy uniquely – through strategic partnerships beyond politics. We collaborate with corporations, entertainers, faith leaders, and non-profit organizations to mobilize around Latinx/e/o rights for DACA, health equity, housing, mental health, and other social disparities

Motivate and Uplift

At SOMOSLOUD, we are motivated to shape a better society through the power of community. We uplift each other and inspire positive change in our world